FAQ: What is a listserv?
A listserv is similar to a copier. When the department sends a message to the listserv, it is copied and sent to all subscribers.
FAQ: How do I get off the Listserv?
Send an email message to: [email protected].
In the body of the message (not the subject line) include -only- two words:
Unsubscribe wgssfriends (to unsubscribe from Friends Listserv)
Unsubscribe wgsiundergraduatestudents (to unsubscribe from Undergraduate Students Listserv)
Unsubscribe wgsigraduatestudents (to unsubscribe from Graduate Students Listserv)
You must send this email from the email account that is subscribed to the listserv. You should receive a message confirming your de-subscription.
The Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies listserv is the department’s primary means of communication with religious majors, graduate students, alumni, and friends. To subscribe, please fill in the fields below and click “Submit.”
If you would like news about the department, just Select Friends from the drop-down menu, fill in the fields below and click “Submit.”
The Undergraduate Students listserv is the department’s primary means of communication with Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies majors. Other interested individuals are welcome to subscribe. If you are a non-major and would like to subscribe, just select Friends from the drop-down menu, fill in the fields below and click “Submit.”
The Graduate Students listserv is the department’s primary means of communication with Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies graduate students. Other interested individuals are welcome to subscribe. To subscribe, select from the drop-down menu, fill in the fields below and click “Submit.”
Contact Us
Street Address
Institute for Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Georgia State University
25 Park Place
Suite 2201
Atlanta, GA 30303
Mailing Address
Institute for Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3969
Atlanta, GA 30302-3969