Founded in 1994 as the Women’s Studies Institute, the Institute for Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSS) at Georgia State University has played integral roles in creating knowledge about the workings of gender in social, political, and economic spheres locally and globally, contributing to the intellectual development of feminists in Atlanta and the world. As WGSS has grown to include six core faculty and over forty affiliate faculty across the university, we have developed a depth of expertise in the interrelated areas of sexuality studies, social change, and globalization. We have also developed wide-ranging expertise in an array of fields, from British literature to criminal justice, media studies to social work, and religious studies to educational studies.
The Institute for Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies was realized after 20 years of dedicated struggle by a group of faculty committed to the project of establishing WGSS at Georgia State. Among this group were its first two Directors. Our founding Director, Diane L. Fowlkes, led the development of the Master’s of Arts in 1995. Since that time, WGSS master’s graduates have continued on to prestigious doctoral programs, law school, non-profit work, and careers in government and private industry. Though students had developed undergraduate concentrations in WGSS since 1984, the Institute’s second Director, Linda A. Bell, led the establishment of the Bachelor of Arts in 2003, enabling WGSS to offer an undergraduate major and minor. With demand for the knowledge and critical thinking women’s, gender, and sexuality studies offers, our program has created significant relationships not only with local feminist organizations, academics, and activists but also with feminists in universities, non-governmental organizations, arts and cultural alliances, and communities around the world. The Institute for Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies is recognized as a site for cutting-edge theoretical analyses and applications of feminist and womanist knowledges.
Historical Events
Tiffany King published “Black 'Feminisms' and Pessimism: Abolishing Moynihan's Negro Family” in Theory & Event, volume 21.
Peter Lindsay’s (Political Science and Philosophy) Pedagogy in the Moments: University Instruction as Craft is under contract with University of Toronto Press.
- Patrick Freer (School Music) published, “El desarrollo de la voz masculina durante la adolecencia: Una pedagogía basada en la investigación” [Toward a pedagogy informed by research about the boy’s changing voice]. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 75(268), 463-480.
- Tiffany King’s (WGSS) The Black Shoals: Black Terrains of Conquest, Abolition and Decolonization is under contract with Duke University Press.
- Patricia Davis (Communication) published the forthcoming article, “Reversal of Injury in the Obama Era: Shelby County v. Holder, Ressentiment, and the Rhetorical Production of Whiteness as an Aggrieved Subjectivity." Rhetoric Review 36(4).
- Faye Stewart (World Languages and Cultures) received a NEH Digital Humanities Grant for Grenzelos Deutsch, an open access, online, social justice oriented first-year German textbook.
- Mindy Stombler (Sociology) won the 2017 Carla B. Howery Award for Developing Teacher-Scholars. Awarded by the American Sociological Association’s Teaching and Learning Section, the Howery Award recognizes contributions to teaching sociology through training and mentoring future teacher-scholars.
- Patrick Freer (School of Music) presented, “Growing the Population of Male Choral Singers: Boys Tell Us How,” at the 11th World Symposium on Choral Music in Barcelona, Spain. He also taught a one week graduate course on working with adolescent boys during voice change at Escuela Coral de Madrid.\
- Faye Stewart (World Languages and Cultures) co-edited the forthcoming journal, Gender and Sexuality in East German Film: Intimacy and Alienation with Kyle Frackman. The journal will be published by Camden House in 2018.
- Susan Talburt’s (WGSS) Youth Sexualities: Public Feelings and Contemporary Cultural Politics is in production with Praeger for June 2018 publication.
- Lia Bascomb (African American Studies) published, “Water, Roads, and Mapping Diaspora through Biomythography.” Anthurium: A Caribbean Studies Journal 14, no. 1 (2017): article 10. http://scholarlyrepository.miami.edu/anthurium/vol14/iss1/10/
- Tiffany King (WGSS) published, “Humans Involved: Lurking in the Lines of Post Humanist Flight,” Critical Ethnic Studies Journal 3(1): 162-85 (2017).
- Megan Sinnott (WGSS) delivered papers on her book manuscript at the International Thai Studies Conference and the International Convention of Asia Scholars Conference in Chiangmai, Thailand. “Ritual Propitiation of Child Spirits in Thailand: Haunting Fetuses and Playful Ghosts” is based on a chapter of the manuscript and explores the rise of child spirit practices in Thailand in conjunction with regional narratives about abortion and haunting fetal spirits. Child spirit beliefs in Thailand have experienced a dramatic resurgence in conjunction with commercialization of the practice, as well as shifting narratives about abortion and the nature of childhood. “Phi Pob, Ritual, and Trauma” was taken from another chapter in the manuscript in which she discusses the linguistic dimensions of violent possession from malevolent spirits, called phi pob. Below is a picture of a “baby ghost” shrine at a popular Buddhist temple in Suphanburi Province. The statue was appropriated by the local temple visitors from a larger public service display that attempted to demonstrate the damage to children from adult drug abuse. The huddling abandoned child was converted into a powerful child spirit shrine, adorned with offerings from the public.
- Patricia Davis (Communication) directed a study abroad program titled “Visual Communication in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil.” She also received an ORWAC (Organization for Research on Women and Communication) grant for her book project Raising the Hottentot Ghost: Black Women's Corporeality and Respectability Discourse During the Jim Crow Era.
- Patrick Freer (School of Music) presented, “Reclaiming Group Vocal Instruction” at the Israel Philharmonic 1st International Music Education Conference in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Faye Stewart (World Languages and Cultures) published, “Framing Islam: Faith, Fascination, and Fear in Twenty-First Century German Culture.” Co-edited with Heidi Denzel de Tirado. Colloquia Germanica 47.1-2 (2014/2017).
Susan Talburt directed the study abroad program, Gender, Sexuality, and Postcoloniality in Contemporary Ecuador for the second consecutive year.
- Susan Talburt presented, “Horizons of Rights: Globalizing Chrononormativity and LGBT Youth,” at Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference in Sydney, Australia.
- Ema Guano (Anthropology) published, Creative Urbanity: An Italian Middle Class in the Shade of Revitalization, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016.
Wendy Simonds (Sociology) published, Hospital Land USA: Sociological Adventures in Medicalization, Routledge, 2017.
Tiffany King published, “New World Grammars: The ‘Unthought’ Black Discourses of Conquest,” Theory and Event special issue On Colonial Unknowing, 19 (4).
- Megan Sinnott won a Fulbright Specialist Grant, Mahidol University, Salaya, Thailand.
- Megan Sinnott, “Theorizing Haunting: Horror, Pleasure, and Hell Parks,” Invited lecture presented at the Exploring the Literary World: The Affective Turn in the Humanities and Social Sciences Conference, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
- Tiffany King participated in Toxic: A Symposium on Exposure, Entanglement, and Endurance at Yale University.
- Tiffany King published, "The Labor of (Re)reading Plantation Landscapes Fungible(ly)," Antipode, 48 (4).
- Amira Jarmakani presented her paper "Romancing the War on Terror: Mass-Market Desert Romances and United States Imperialism as Love Story" on the panel Diasporic Communities, Transnational Publics, and the Global Arab.
- Ralph LaRossa (Sociology) published, “The Culture of Fatherhood and the Late-Twentieth-Century New Fatherhood Movement: An Interpretive Perspective,” in Laura Tropp and Janice Kelly’s (eds.) Deconstructing Dads: Changing Images of Fathers in Popular Culture. Lexington Books, 2016. He also published "Warfare and Parent Care: Armed Conflict and the Social Logic of Child and National Protection," in Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth and David S. Riggs’ (eds.) War and Family Life. Springer, 2016.
Amira Jarmakani’s An Imperialist Love Story: Desert Romances and the War on Terror due out from New York University press in July. A curious figure stalks the pages of a distinct subset of mass-market romance novels, aptly called “desert romances.” Animalistic yet sensitive, dark and attractive, the desert prince or sheikh emanates man-liness and raw, sexual power. In the years since September 11, 2001, the sheikh character has steadily risen in popularity in romance novels, even while depictions of Arab masculinity as backward and violent in nature have dominated the cultural landscape.An Imperialist Love Story contributes to the broader conversation about the legacy of orientalist representations of Arabs in Western popular culture. Combining close readings of novels, discursive analysis of blogs and forums, and interviews with authors, Jarmakani explores popular investments in the war on terror by examining the collisions between fantasy and reality in desert romances. Focusing on issues of security, freedom, and liberal multiculturalism, she foregrounds the role that desire plays in contemporary formations of U.S. imperialism. Drawing on transnational feminist theory and cultural studies, An Imperialist Love Story offers a radical reinterpretation of the war on terror, demonstrating romance to be a powerful framework for understanding how it works, and how it perseveres.
Tiffany King, Closing Plenary, Critical Ethnic Studies Association’s Third Biennial Conference: Sovereignties and Colonialisms: Resisting Racism, Extraction and Dispossession (May 2015)
Tiffany King delivered an invited lecture, Otherwise Worlds: Settler Colonialism and Anti-Blackness Racism Conference, UC Riverside (April 2015)
- Tiffany King delivered an invited lecture, Decolonizing the Racialized Female Subject: Black and Indigenous self-Making Under Empire, Brown University (March 2015)
- Jeanette Cuevas (BA 2014) completed a WGSS internship in Spring 2013 with Freedom University and went on to do a summer internship with CLPP (Civil Liberties and Public Policy: Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom) and is now working for Project South.
- Alissa Robbins completed a WGSS internship in Fall 2012 with Planned Parenthood Southeast and then a CLPP internship. She is now Office and Database Coordinator with SPARK, a reproductive justice organization based in Atlanta, GA.
- Jess Jones, School of Art&Design, Untitled was recently selected for: Contemporary Women Artists: Reimagining Femmage, Foundry Arts Center, St Louis MO February 20 – April 3, 2015.Statement:
"This piece contains digitally embroidered phrases transcribed from unsolicited advances made to me on the street in downtown Atlanta. I have combined these phrases with hand embroidered constellations representing the geographic location of rapes in Atlanta reported to crime mapping websites. Each phrase was selected from those gathered in one month (together they create a kind of narrative) and the reported rapes correspond to these months. I chose to represent the rape cases as constellations as a way of showing how a few points of data can represent a larger, more complex story. This information sewn onto four vintage placemats is a direct reference to "femmage" and this found textile is meant to evoke ideas of women's roles, as well as decorum in public and private spaces. This piece is about my experience with street harassment and my knowledge that more serious crimes against women are very often underreported." - The Society for Radical Geography, Spatial Theory, and Everyday Life co-founded by two MA alums, Tahereh Aghdasifar and Andrea Miller, hosted its 3rd annual symposium—Inhabiting Containment, February 27, 2015, at GSU.
Susan Richmond, Lynda Benglis’ book, Beyond Process (London: I.B. Tauris Press, 2013), to be re-issued in paperback.U.S. artist Lynda Benglis rose to prominence in New York during the 1960s and 70s. Challenging the aesthetic and sexual politics of the time, she developed new approaches to painting, sculpture, video, and creativity itself. Daring and sometimes outrageous, her intense and provocative works are some of the most iconic yet under-examined examples of abstract art of the era. Dr. Richmond offers a critical and in-depth examination of Lynda Benglis’s practice, beginning with the work that led up to her notorious self-promotional imagery of 1973 and concluding with the artist’s more recent sculptural experiments in glass, metals, ceramics, gold leaf, and plastics.Susan Richmond also co-edited “Sexing Sculpture: New Approaches to Theorizing the Object,” a forum of essays, interviews, and artists’ portfolios for the Winter 2013 issue of Art Journal.
- Susan Talburt co-edited book (with Nancy Lesko), Keywords in Youth Studies: Tracing Affects, Movements, Knowledges (New York and London: Routledge, 2012), won the American Educational Studies Association Critics Choice Book Award in 2014.
- WGSS represented GSU at NWSA in Puerto Rico this past November on the following panel: Hellscapes and Utopian Disasters—Affective Attachments, Ambivalent Nationalisms, moderated by Tiffany King. Presenters:
- Susan Talburt, “‘Affectively Mapping’ Chilean Feminist Narratives,”
- Julie Kubala, “Beautiful Disasters: Sticky Figures and Affective Attachments in Beasts of the Southern Wild,”
- Megan Sinnott, “Affective Resonances of Sexual Imagery in Thai Hell Parks”
Contact Us
Street Address
Institute for Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Georgia State University
25 Park Place
Suite 2201
Atlanta, GA 30303
Mailing Address
Institute for Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3969
Atlanta, GA 30302-3969